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A type of computer

Explain Types Of "Computer"

                              by Mr.(Sumit)

The word "Computer" originated from the word "Compute" which means to "Calculate" Originally, computer was considered to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic operations at enormous speed. Today, computers have became an essential part of everybody's life. Computers are being used in almost every field now and everyday new areas of activities are being discovered. For instance, computers q used in homes,offices, schools, colleges, universities, nursing homes, hospitals, export house, shops and business establishments, industries, banks, railway stations, airports, research centres and many other organisations.

Computer was originally invented mainly for doing high speed and accurate calculations, it is not just a calculating device. The computer can perform any kind of work involving arithmetic and logical operations on data. It gets the data through an input device, processes it as per the instructions given and gives the information as output.

Types/ Classification of Computer

Computer classification can be made in the following points :

  1. Depending on their size
  2. Their mode of use 
  3. Depending on their functionality
  4. Their processing capability.


  1. Supercomputers : 

The largest and fastest computers are supercomputers, which are mainly designed for complex scientific applications. It has many CPUs, which operate in parallel to make it as a fastest computer.
    Supercomputers are employed for specialized applications that requires immense amounts of mathematical calculations. It is typically used for the following applications : 

  1. Weather Information 
  2. Petroleum Exploration and Production 
  3. Energy Management 
  4. Defence
  5. Nuclear Energy Research
  6. Medicine
  7. Real time Animation 
  8. Electronic Design
  9. Structural Analysis

Characteristics of Supercomputer
They are very expensive.
Unlike conventional computers, they usually have more than one CPU. 
 They have a very large storage capacity. 
Supercomputers are used for highly calculation-intensive tasks such as problem involving quantum physics, weather forecasting, climate research, molecular modeling properties of chemical compounds etc.

      2. Mainframe Computers :

 Mainframe computers are powerful computers used mainly by large organisations, typically bulk for data processing such as census, industry and consumer statics etc. These are very large and fast computers but smaller and slow than supercomputer. They are used in a centralised location where many terminals (input/output devices) are connected with one CPU and thus allow defferent users to share the single CPU. They have high memory and support thousand of users. 

Characteristics of Mainframe Computers

They can handle very high volume input and output (I/O).
They have greatest processing capability. 
Mainframe system supports sophisticated operating systems like Linux, UNIX, IBM operating systems like Z/Os, Z/VM AND VSE/ESA.                                                                                                                 
Applications of Mainframe Computers

They are used for the following application : 
Railway and Airline Reservation
Commercial applications of large industries.

      3. Minicomputers :

It is medium scale, smaller and generally slower than mainframe computer. Like mainframe, they have many terminals which are connected with one CPU and can support many user. In size and power minicomputers lie between workstations and mainframes. The cost of mini computer is less than mainframe. Therefore, it is mainly used in applications where processing can be distributed among several minicomputer rather than using a mainframe computer.
Characteristics of Minicomputers :

They are smaller in size than mainframe.
They are capable of standalone or self contained operation.
They are used in applications that do not require the faster computation speeds.
They are much less expensive than mainframe. 

    4.  Microcomputers :

It is a complete computer n a smaller scale and is generally known as Personal Computer.

Characteristics of Microcomputers :

They are small and light weight 
They are portable
They are commonly used in business


      1. Notebook / Laptop Computers

Notebook/laptop computers are light in weight, they contain 82-bit CPU, flat LCD screen, a trackball or touch pad. It also has a hard disk drive (HDD), a floppy disk drive (FDD), a compact disk (CD)/ digital versatile disk (DVD) port for connecting peripheral devices.   

Its Characteristics : 

These are portable computers. 
Carrying a laptop means having instant access to various information. 
 Laptops/Notebooks are several times more power efficient than desktops. 

      2. Personal Computer :

They are general purpose computer that fits on a normal size office table and is used by one person at a time. 

Its Characteristics :

  • A PC is non portable.
  • It is used by one person at a time. 

      3. Workstation

A workstation is a powerful computer that desktop computer. They are high end PC designed for technical or scientific applications.

Its Characteristics : 

  • They are used for tasks such as computer aided design, drafting and modeling.
  • They are used for image processing, architectural modeling, and computer graphics for animation and motion picture visual effects. 

       4. Server :

A server is a computer or a series of computer that link other computer or electronic devices together.                                        

Its Characteristics :  

  • They often provide essential services across a network, either to private users inside a large organisation or to public users via the internet. 
  • Many servers have dedicate functionality such as web servers, print servers and database servers.
      5. Handheld/ Palmtop Computers :

Handheld /Palmtop computers are those that literally fits in our palm. Palmtop uses a pen rather than a keyboard for input. 

 Its Characteristics : 
  • They are small in size.
  • Most palmtop computers do not include disk driver.


       1.General purpose Computers

General purpose computers are designed to solve a large variety of problem. They are capable of carrying out some general data processing under programmable computers.

Its Characteristics

  • General purpose computers can store large amount of data and the programmes necessary to process them.
  • General purpose computers are so versatile most businesses today use them.   
          2. Special Purpose Computer :

Special purpose computers are designed to solve specific problems; the computer programe for solving the problem is built right into the computer. 
Its Characteristics :

  • special purpose computers may be designed to process only numeric data or to completely control automated manufacturing processes.
They are used as training simulators. 
Analog Computers :

Analog computers are special purpose computers that represent and store data in continuously varying physical quantities like pressure, temperature. Speed etc. and to perform computations on these measurements. Analog computers are mainly used for scientific and engineering applications.

Its Characteristics

  • They can handle continuous variables. The continuous variables include every conceivable number, even irrational numbers, numbers. 
  • They can work both mechanically and electronically. 
           2. Digital Computer :

Digital computer are mainly general purpose computers that represent and store data in discrete quantities orr numbers. In these computers, all processing is done in terms of numeric representation (Binary Digits) of data and information. Although the user enters data in decimal or character form, it is converted into binary digits (0's and 1's). Almost all the computers used now a days are digital computers. 

Its Characteristics :

  • It works with discrete numbers. Discrete numbers are those which are either whole number or those which have sequence which repeat.
  • A digital computer can perform such tasks as to control industrial processes and regulate the operations of machines. 
          3. Hybrid Computers :

They exhibit features of both analog computers and digital computer. Hybrid computers incorporate the technology of both analog and digital comuter. These computers store and process analog signals which have been  converted into discrete numbers using analog-to-digital converters. They can also convert the digital numbers into analog signals or physical properties using digital-to-analog converters. Hybrid computers arre mainly used in artificial intelligence (robotics) and computer aided manufacturing (e.g. process control). 

Its Characteristics : 

  • A hybrid computer is less expensive than any equivalent digital computer. 
  • Hybrid computer are used in scientific applications or in controlling industrial processes. 

 Other Important Topic :

Difficult Word in blog :-

Establishments              -           à¤ª्रतिष्ठानों                     

Discovered                      -           à¤•ी खोज की 

Involving                         -           à¤¶ामिल 
Parallel                            -            समानांतर 

Specialized                      -           à¤µिशेष 

Immense                          -           à¤…त्यधिक 

Quantum                          -           à¤®ात्रा         

Forecasting                     -           à¤ªूर्वानुमान 

Consumer                       -            उपभोक्ता 

Centralised                     -            केंद्रीकृत  

Reservation                    -            आरक्षण 

Expensive                       -             à¤®à¤¹ंगा      

Peripheral                       -            परिधीय 

Efficient                           -             à¤¦à¤•्ष 

Architectural                 -             à¤µास्तु 

Equivalent                      -             à¤¬à¤°ाबर 

Manufacturing              -             à¤‰à¤¤्पादन 

Incorporate                    -             à¤¶ामिल 

Exhibit                             -              दिखाना 

Built                                  -             à¤¬à¤¨ाना 

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