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Features of word processing


                                                         by Mr.(Sumit)

Word Processing Concept

Word processing is an application software which is used to manipulate the text on word like letter drafting, paragraph composing and so on . Here we will discuss about Microsoft word, word is application software of Microsoft office suit of has large number of earlier and latest versions. Here we will discuss about only Microsoft word 2007 version. 

Microsoft Word 2007/2010
                                                                                          Microsoft word 2007 helps you to produce profesional looking documents by providing computer comprehensive set of tools for creating and for molding your documents into a new interface.

Rich review commenting and comparison capabilities help you quickly gather and manage feedback from colleagues. Advance data integration insures that document stay connected to important sources of business information. Microsoft word 2010 makes easy to calibrate and navigate  long document for user, impact, new features focus on the polish of your finished document with this version of Microsoft Word. 

Microsoft Word 2013

Microsoft Word 2013 is also a very useful version of Microsoft office suit package. Where this overcomes overall the previous versions launched earlier. There are also MS. OFFICE 2020 is available as the latest version of ms office.   

Opening Word Procesing Package

To open ms word either click on the word icon or click start button at taskbar. The bottom left corner of windows OS

Start > all programs > Microsoft office > ms word 2007 Shortcut key : window + r > winword > press enter. 

The documents winword contains are number of components that are described below : 

Title bar

The blue slip at the top of the screen that display that kame of the documents and minimize , restore , maximize and close buttons are right side on this bar.


Insertion Point

The flashing vertical line that indicated where the text will appear when you type.

Menu Bar/Tabs                                  

A group of commands including file, edit view that allow the user to perform task in the some way there. 

Tool Bar

The                                                                                                                                                                             collections of buttons provide shortcuts to tasks typically located at the top of the screen.

Status Bar 

The bar at the botton of the screen that shows information about the page sections lines and locations of the insertion point information about macro or recording (rec), track charge (trk), extent selection (ext), over typing (over) spelling and grammar and background save etc. Also shows on this bar. 

Ruler bar

The bar at the top and left side of the page that hows the margin, indent and tabs setting indent is used for word wrapping setting. There are three types of indents ( left, right, first, line).

Window Spilt Button

The window spilt is situated on the botton of the vertical scroll bar. This button is used for the spilt of the current document window. 

Brouwer Object Button 

The window spilt is situated on the botton of the vertical scroll bar and user for brouwer the object to the file like comment, endnote, footnote field, tablets, graphics etc.

Word space

It is a working space at ms word where we create document, tablet images etc. 

Mouse Points

Mouse pointer change shape when it passe our certain part of the word document window. 

View Button

Five view button are normal view, web layout view, print layout view, outline 

Task Panel

A window in left side of the page having commands for quick use of the running. 

Navigation Panel

Task by default the getting started task panel appears short cut key of test panel is CTRL + f1
in window 2010, it is know as navigation panel what contains all the documents objects and provide essential too.


The page or page on which you will type your information.

Introduction To Menu Bar In Microsoft Word 2003

Introduction of Tabs

Home Tab


The office clipboard works with the standard comy and paste commands just copy an item to the office clipboard to add it to your collection and then paste it from type office document aty any time the collected items stay on the office clipboard until you exit all office programs or you delete the items from the clipboard task panel. 


You can specify haw you want text to appear by selecting options the font dialogue box. Using this tool a user can use different font and apply, appearance to it. 


paragraph determines line spacing alignment of the and bullet numbering, paragraph marking as will as sorting. 


Style are sets of style that are designed to work together to create an attractive and professional looking document.


In word 2007/2010 you can find and replace a word a number or symbol with the tools embedded. You can selected all text or paragraph tyo apply a formate. 

Insert Tab

insert tab have all kind of picture, clip arts, symbol, chart and other object in the document. 


This allow you to insert a black page or the page creak anywhere in the document you want. You can compose cover page of a document as document little page. 


A powerful tool in Microsoft word to insert table and manipulating. It allow you to insert rows and columns. 


Groups of tools provide facility to insert picture clipart, shapes and chart into the document. 


Facilitates you to insert hyperlinks, bookmarks and cross- references. 

header & footer

Group of tool used to insert header and footer and page number into the document. 


With these tools a user can insert text box document properties, word arts, signature lines, and date & time into the document you can also embedded some objects to the document. 


With this tool a user can insert some standard mathematical questions for example area of circle, binomial , trigonometry etc. You can also insert special symbol in the document. 

Pag e Layout Tab



This tool facilitates a user to use built in theme  format into the document. In this creation font face effects, and colour to the text and pages and used. You can change or built your own themes too.

Page Setup

Facilitate you to set the page attribute manuall like page margin, page and layout. 

Page Background

Facilitate you to set the page attribute manually like page margin, page and layout. 


Paragraph tools provide facility to set left or indent and line spacing before or after. It is set in the from of inches or pixels.


This tool is to set order and position of a certain object alignment. There with you can arrange and rotate the object.

References Tabs



Table of Contents

This tool allows you to built a table of contents you can add any text, value, or update the table of contents. This tool is used mainly in compassing of books.


Allow you to insert footnotes and endnotes into the document. You can jump from one footnote to another and see its notes added. 

Citations & Bibliography

A bibliography is a list of sources. Usually placed at the end of a document that you consulted of cited document. In creating the document in Microsoft office word 2007/2010. You can automatically generate a bibliography based on the source information that you provide for the document.  


These tools facilitate you insert caption of any object used and you can insert tablet of documents.


Allow you to mark entry in the document and insert index and update index as well.   

Table of Authorities 

Allow you to insert table of authorities and update the table. You can mark citation too. 

Mailing Tab


Facilitate you to create envelopes and labels you can manually set the size of envelop and labels. 
Start mail merge : an important tool to create and compose mail merge, e-mail, message word document, letter envelopes, lable and directory. here we create the list of recipients and edit the list as well. 

Preview Results

preview the result at a glance about the entries and recipients. You can reach and navigate & recipient and auto check for errors. 

Write & Inert Field

In this section , we insert address bold greeting line and merge field and highlight them as well.


Command to finish and merge word document, devlop letter label or directory.

Review Tab


Proofing contains mart tools un side like spelling and grammar check, research. Here a user and translate the document there are ome else tool. Like word count, language setting and translate screen tips.


This tool allow inserting a new comment or deleting a comment. You can navigate to review all the comments in the document with review and next button.


You can easily make and view track changes while you ork in a document. By default Microsoft office word 2007/2010 user balloons to display detection. Comments formatting changes and content that has moved. If you want to ee all of your change in line you can changes setting so that track changes and comment displays the way you want.


This group of tools decides whether to accept or reject the changes made about the comment. This facilitate to navigate among commands. 


This tool allow inserting a new comment or deleting a comment you can navigate to review all the comments in the document with review and next button. 


You can  easily make and view track changes while you work in a document. By default Microsoft office word 2007/2010 user ballons to display detections comments formatting changes and content that has moved. If you want to see all of your changes in line you can changes setting so that track changes and comment displays the way you want. 


This group of tools decides whether to accept on reject the changes made about the comment. This facilitate to navigate among commands. 


This tool is used to compare too, version of the document and allow to combine two defferent documents file used. 


This allows you to set restrictions to access or formatting the document and manage credentials. 

View Tab

Document view

This group of tool contain different view layout like print layout full screen reading, web layout, outline and draft.


This contains some key tools like ruler, guidelines documents map, thumbnails, and message bar. 


Allows zooming a document for a better and dear view according to need. It can be set to one page to two  pages and page width. You can also zoom the documents by the zoom slider at the status bar. 


This avails to create new window of the some document and some tools to arrange the windows and spilt the document you need according.


Macros are advanced tool of Microsoft word 2007/2010 this facilitates a user to record to event and key fress in the document windows and store those storks to a defined document. You can later view and check in that document. 

Alignment of text

Some Shortcut Keys

CTRL + l  =  Aligns the selected text on the left

CTRL + R =  Aligns the selected text on the right

CTRL + R =  Aligns the selected text on the center

CTRL + J =  Justifies the selected text 

Header & Footer

Header and footer are areas in the top, button and side margin as each page in a document you can insert or change text or graphics in header or footer. for example : you can add page number the time and date, company , logo , the document little, or file name, or the author's name. 

Inserting Header

Header is situated at the  top of the page in the document as the page margin in the document. 

Inserting Footer

Footer is located at the bottom of the document as per the page margin in the document. 

Inserting Symbols and Equations 

Here are the steps to insert the symbols. 
  • Go to insert menu and choose symbol in ms word 2003. 
  •                                      or 
  • Go to insert tab and click symbol in the symbol in the symbol group (ms word 2007/2010) and 
  • Selected a symbol in the drop down list, this will insert the symbol at the cursor in the document. 

Here are the steps to insert the equations

  • Go to inert tab and click to equation tool in the symbol group
  • Selected equation at the cursor in the document. 

Heading graphic

There is number of graphics heading  tool in Microsoft office word. Which is used to insest a picture, represent charts, draw shapes, insert clipart, and insert smart art etc.   

Inserting picture in active document a user can insert a picture in the active document with these easy steps in different versions of Microsoft office word. 

  • Go to insert menu and chose pictures (ms word 2003) or Go to insert tab and choose pictures too under illustration group (ms word 2007/2010) and 
  • In the insert picture dialogue, browser and located the picture from the computer system and 
  • Click okay 

Drawing Shapes

Here are the steps to draw a certain shape into the active document.

  • Go to insert menu and choose auto shape of shapes for the drawing tool above status bar. (ms word 2003) or 
  • Go to insert tab and choose shapes (ms word 2007/2010)
  • Choose a specific shape to draw it to a selection or  page in the active document. Then
  • Draw it on the page. 

Insert Clipart

Clipart is the short audio video or graphical clips to be a used for document decoration or for a specific representation. 

Here are the steps to insert a clipart in to the active document. 

  • Go to insert menu and choose clip art (ms word 2003) or 
  • Go to insert tab and clip art in the illustration group (ms word 2007/2010
  • Type the name for clipart in the search for text box and click go button then 
  • Choose a specific clipart from the pane located at the right of the application window. Doing this the clipart you selected with be inserted in to the document.
Insert smart art smart art in the ne tool to represent graphics and art in fabulous way. It is the tool introduced since Microsoft office word2007 and user frequently to represent graphics. 

Creating Table

Table is a rectangular box with row and columns crossing ot each other. This crossing of rows and columns makes a cell what is used to keep or insert valur in the systematic way.  

Other Important Topic :-

Difficult Word in blog :-

Manipulate                        -           à¤¹ेरफेर करना 

Drafting                              -           à¤®à¤¸ौदा 
Comprehensive                -            विस्तृत 

Polish                                 -            पोलिश 

Components                   -            अवयव 

Described                        -           à¤µà¤°्णित 

Below                                -          नीचे 

Commands                      -           à¤†à¤¦ेशों 

Provide                             -           à¤ª्रदान करना    

Wrapping                        -            रैपिंग 

Vertical                            -            खड़ा 

Certain                               -          निश्चित 

Essential                          -            ज़रूरी 

Appearance                      -           à¤¦िखावट 

Determines                      -           à¤¨िर्धारित करता है 

Attractive                          -          आकर्षक 

Embedded                        -           à¤…न्तर्निहित 

Facility                              -           à¤¸ुविधा       

Properties                         -          गुण 

Binomial                            -          द्विपद 

Attribute                          -            विशेषता 

Consulted                           -          परामर्श 


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