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Basic computer introduction - history, generations, full form etc.

Introduction To Computer

                                                            by sumit kumar

Basic computer introduction - history, generation, full form


Computer is an electronic devices which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.

      In generl, a computer is a digital electronic device which accepts data, procsses it and gives informtion as output. It has several components like Monitor, CPU, Mouse, Processor, Memory etc.

What is the full form of computer?

C                     COMMON 
O                    OPERATING

M                    MACHINE                     

P                     PURPOSELY

U                     USED 

T                      TECHNOLOGICAL                       

E                      EDUCATIONAL

R                      RESEARCH

History of computers

History of computer can be considered from arise of human culture as person knew the calculation, they used something for this purpose like, pebbles, stone etc. but as a device Roman's abacus is first device used in B.C for calculation. In A.D. various mechanical devices were inven ted for the calculation like Pascaline by Blaise Pascal, Joseph Jacquard invented loom that is 'programmed" using punched cards, Charles Babbage invented two machines Analytical engine and Difference engine and Hollerith's Census Mchines (Tabulating machine). Atnasoff- Berry Computer (ABC) is a fully digital electronic device used for liner equattion. Howard Aiken (IBM) had designed Mark I, the first operational general- purpose electro- mechanical Computer. John Mauchley and Presper Eckert make the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) First generl purpose, digital electronic computer used to compute a ballistic firing. Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC), was the first commercially successful Computer. Two Era arises Mechanical Era (Before 1945) having mechanical decices and the Electronic Era (From 1945) having electronic processing technology. Electronic Era is divided into Four generations.

Generation of Computer

Computer are divided in these forms of  generation. Here the generation have been described time wise as well as technologies used. 

First Generation (1945- 1945)

In this very first generation of computers, it had been used Vacuum tube technology which makes a computer possible to do calculations.

Second Generation (1955- 1964)

In this generation segment of computers, it had been used Transistors which made a computer little concise and faster to do the same.

Third Generation (1965- 1974)

In the third generation of computer, it had beed used Integrated circuits which made this faster comparatively and reliable as well.

Fourth Generation (1975- Till Date)

In this generation of computer, there had been used micro processors inside to work far better comparatively. This is the most reliable among and very concise in size to be portable anywhere you want. 

Fifth Generation (Present nd Next)

This is the generation of computers where computers are assigned automatic intelligence' they use artificiaal intelligence where they will use their own iQ too to solve a problem at end.

Characteristics of Computers

Characteristic of Computers are likely to be defined or tell the capability of computers.

Speed : Computers can carry out instructions in less than a millionth of a second. As you know computer can work very fast. It takes only few seconds for calculations that we take hours to complete. You will be suprised to know that computer can perform millions (1,000,000) of instructions and even more per second.

Accuracy : Computers can do the calculations without errors and very accurately. the degree of  accuracy of computer is very high and every calculation is performed with the same accuracy. The accuracy level is determined on the basis of design of computer.

DilligenceComputers are capable of performing any task given to them repetitively. A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, weaknes, etc. It can work for hours without creating any error. If millions of calculations are to be performed , a computer will perform every calculation with the same accuracy. Due to this capability it overpowers human being in routine type of work.

Storage Capacity : Computer can store large volume of data and information on magnetic media. The computer has an in-built memory where it can store a large amount of data. You can also store data in secondary storage devices such as floppies, optical disks, which can be kept outside your computer and can be carried to other computers.

Versatility : computers are versatile; they perform multiple different tasks at the same time for e.g. Playing music and drafting your document and even you can print a page. It means the capacity to perform completely different type  of work. You may use your computer to prepare payroll slips. Next moment you may use it for inventory management or to prepare electric bills.

Computer System

A Computer system is an asset which include few tangiable assets as peripherals, processing device, memory etc. they can either be divided in system panels or as entities of the computer system....

Power Switch

It is the switch button which is used to start the computer system nd you can even shut down the system by pressing and holding it.

Reset button

It is used to restart the computer system in cae if during run time you need any start.

CD/DVD ROM drive

It is the CD/DVD ROM drive which is used to access optical disks like CD (Compact disk) and DVD (Digital Video disk).

Floppy Drive

This drive is used to access floppy disks.

Front USB port, Mic & Headphone slot

This very slots are used to accept any USBs, Mic & Headphone are called jack slot. It is located at the front paanel of the CPU cabinet.

Indicator light

It is the signal light which confirms that system is still running nd when you shut this down then it gets automatically turn off.

Power Supply Socket

This slot is used to supply the power to the  CPU. In this yu connect a power cable through which the power is supplied to SMPS and that reaches to every part of the necessary component. 

Keyboard Socket

This slot is used to connect the keyboard to the computer system.


Mouse Socket

This very slot is used to connect the mouse to the computer system.

Parellel Port

This is used to connect any parellel device to the computer system. This parellel device may be a printer or something similar.

VGA Port

This port is used to connect to visual display unit like monitors.

Rear USB Port

This is called USB 2.0, used to connect USBs to the computer system like any electronic device with USB connector can be connected to the computer system.

Mic & Speaker Jack slot

These slots are used to connect Sound In, Sound Out and Microphone to the computer system so that you can store the delivered sound to the system and can retrieve or play the music or sound through Sound Out slot with the help of Speakers. You will need to insert the jack of those to the appropriate jack 

Network Slot

This slot is used to connect to any network throuht the Network cable.

IEEE 1394 (Fire Wire)

The IEEE 1394 interface is a serial bus interface standard for high- speed communications and isochronous (A sequence of events) real- time data transfer. It was named as Fire Wire its developer Apple Inc. The 1394 interface is comparable to USB though USB has mor market share. 


This is set inside and st the fan face to outside so that whatever heat generated by the CPU may get colder.


This is the main component of the computer system where all electronic components integrted together and support to make computer systemm run is situated and set there like RAM, ROM, Processor and many more.

CPU (Central Proceessing)

This is set inside the computer system used to process the data or information taken as input by the user.


This is a primary memory (volatile i nature) in the form of chip is integrated with a slot in Motherboard.


This is chip with BIOS information integrated with a slot in Motherboard.This is non- volatile and contains BIOS information used in booting process.

Display Adapter Card (Graphics Card)

This is adapter card used to link Monitor to CPU. Whatever task is being performed in the CPU can be viewed and displayed to monitor with the help of this.

Expansion slots

These slots are used to connect any extra device or interface with the computer system you want to connect. This is used to enhance the capability of a computer system in case if you connect any extra interface or feature.

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