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What is the Analog and Digital Signal

Introduction Of Analog and    Digital Signal 

                                                           by  Mr. (Sumit)

Data represention' s computer organization :-  

Introduction :- In the modern world of the electronic term digital is generally associated with a computer because the term digital is derived from the way computer perform operation, by counting digits. For many years the application of digital electronic was only in the computer system; but now a days the digital electronic is in many other applications following are some off the examples in which digital electronics is heavily used.

  • Industrial Process Control
  • Military System
  • Television 
  • Communication System
  • Medical equipment
  • Radar
  • Navigation 
  • signal 


Signal can be defined as a physical quality which contains some information. It is a function of one or more than one independent variables. Signals are of two types.

                           Signal photograph

There are two types of Signal :-

  • Analog Signal
  • Digital Signal

                               Analog Signal 

An analog signal is defined as the Signal having continuous values: analog signal can have infinite number of different value. In red world scenario most the things observed in nature are analog signals are following.

  • Temperature 
  • Pressure
  • Distance
  • Sound
  • Voltage 
  • Current
  • Power

                    Analog Signal Photograph


                              Digital Signal

A digital Signal is defined as the signal which has only a finite number of discrete  values. Digital are not continuous signal. In the digial electronic calculators the input given with the help of switches this input converted into electrical signal which having two discrete value or levels. One of these may be called low level and another is called high level. The signal will always be one of the two levels. These types of signal I will always be one is called digital signal. Examples of the digital signal are following. 

  • Binary Signal
  • Octal Signal
  • Hexadecimal

                              Digital Signal

The circuits that process that digital signal are called digital system or digital circuit . Exampled of the digital system are following. 

  • Registers
  • Flip-Flop
  • Counters
  • Micro Processor

Compression of Analog and Digital Signal :-

                           Analog Signal

  • Analog Signal has infinite values.
  • Analog Signal has a continuous nature.
  • Analog signal is generate by transducers and signal generators.
  • Examples of analog signal sine wave triangular wave. 

                      Digital Number System

  • Digital Signal has a finite number of the values.
  • Digital Signal has a discrete nature.
  • Digital Signal is generate by A to D convertor.
  • Example of digital signal binary signal. 

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Difficult word in blog :-

Associated                  -            संबद्ध 

Derived                       -            व्युत्पन्न 

Heavily                        -            भारी 

Industrial                    -            औद्योगिक 

Process                        -             à¤ª्रक्रिया                            

Communication        -             à¤¸ंचार 

Equipment                  -             à¤‰à¤ªà¤•à¤°à¤£ 

Navigation                  -             à¤ªà¤¥ प्रदर्शन 

Defined                        -             à¤ªà¤°िभाषित 

Physical                       -             à¤¶ारीरिक 

Contains                      -              रोकना 

Independent               -             à¤¸्वतन्त्र 

Variables                     -              चर 

Infinite                        -               à¤…नंत 

Scenario                      -               à¤ªà¤°िदृश्य 

Observed                     -              देखा 

Pressure                      -               à¤¦à¤¬ाव 

 Discrete                      -               à¤…लग 

   Free (BCA) Course available in this blog by Mr.(Sumit) 

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