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Definition of computer Diffination

Definition Of Computer  

                                                         by sumit kumar

Computer is an electronic machine which take data from the user process it and gives who to the result as output.


What is the full form of computer?

C                     COMMON 
O                    OPERATING

M                    MACHINE                     

P                     PURPOSELY

U                     USED 

T                      TECHNOLOGICAL                       

E                      EDUCATIONAL

R                      RESEARCH

History of computers

History of computer can be considered from arise of human culture as person knew the calculation, they used something for this purpose like, pebbles, stone etc. but as a device Roman's abacus is first device used in B.C for calculation. In A.D. various mechanical devices were even ted for the calculation like Pascaline by Blaise Pascal, Joseph Jacquard invented loom that is 'programmed" using punched cards, Charles Babbage invented two machines Analytical engine and Difference engine and Hollerith's Census Machines (Tabulating machine). Atnasoff- Berry Computer (ABC) is a fully digital electronic device used for liner equation. Howard Aiken (IBM) had designed Mark I, the first operational general- purpose electro- mechanical Computer. John Mauchley and Presper Eckert make the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) First general purpose, digital electronic computer used to compute a ballistic firing. Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC), was the first commercially successful Computer. Two Era arises Mechanical Era (Before 1945) having mechanical devices and the Electronic Era (From 1945) having electronic processing technology. Electronic Era is divided into Four generations.

Generation of Computer

Computer are divided in these forms of  generation. Here the generation have been described time wise as well as technologies used. 

First Generation (1945- 1945)

In this very first generation of computers, it had been used Vacuum tube technology which makes a computer possible to do calculations.

Second Generation (1955- 1964)

In this generation segment of computers, it had been used Transistors which made a computer little concise and faster to do the same.

Third Generation (1965- 1974)

In the third generation of computer, it had beed used Integrated circuits which made this faster comparatively and reliable as well.

Fourth Generation (1975- Till Date)

In this generation of computer, there had been used micro processors inside to work far better comparatively. This is the most reliable among and very concise in size to be portable anywhere you want. 

Fifth Generation (Present nd Next)

This is the generation of computers where computers are assigned automatic intelligence' they use artificiaal intelligence where they will use their own iQ too to solve a problem at end.

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